Improve air quality across the South West | Actively commute to work or school

Walking, cycling and running are easy ways to help keep the air clean and save lives in the South West.

Air pollution has plummeted by half during the coronavirus lockdown, according to new figures. Data from the local authority’s continuous air monitoring network shows that from March 24th to April 15th, levels of traffic pollutant nitrogen dioxide (NO2) reduced by 45% in the city compared with the same three week period last year. Air pollution is the biggest environmental threat to health in the UK, and a recent European study found an estimated 1,700 lives have been saved due to fewer vehicles being on the road. And across the UK pollution has reduced by 40% in cities during lockdown, according to National Centre for Atmospheric Science.

In order to keep air pollution at these lower levels, now’s the time to think about how we can all increase our active transport methods, whether it’s walking, cycling or running. Not only will it keep us fit and healthy, but we will save money on transport too. 

An active commute to work or school is a simple way to help reach our weekly exercise target. The Government suggests we should all be doing 150 minutes a week of moderate exercise, or 75 minutes of vigorous, which isn’t always easy if we’re trying to fit it in before or after our work or school days. 

Here are a few of the easy ways that we can all support Bristol reduce its air pollution: 

  • Register for the cycle to work scheme - the scheme helps you save money on a new bike and spread the costs over monthly tax-free instalments.
  • For those who are avid cyclists and want to upgrade to a better bike, the green commute initiative is worth looking at - a cycle to work scheme with no £1000 limit.
  • Walkable Bristol – explore the city on foot or choose different routes for your commute, walking has never been so easy with the use of apps, and there are lots to choose from.





Will you give this a go?