The Large Business Forum: Transforming Actions

Bringing together industry leaders facilitating discussions, connections, and collaboration to drive positive change in ESG across the region.

In June 2023, Action Net Zero delivered The Large Business Forum in collaboration with Transform ESG, University of Bath and Bath & North East Somerset Council, running alongside The Bath & North East Somerset Business Show.

The roundtable was attended by The University of Bath academics, major employers and influencers as well as the Metro Mayor, Dan Norris. The aim was to bring together industry leaders to to discuss how their input could help shape collaborative initiatives to accelerate change in the region, and support Net Zero targets.

Driving action in ESG across Bath & North East Somerset

ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) is increasingly critical in today’s business landscape. As responsible leaders in the region, it is essential we understand and embrace sustainable practices that benefit both businesses and the communities we serve.

The Large Business Forum provided a platform to delve into these pressing issues, learn from industry experts, and collaborate with fellow business leaders. We wanted to understand how we can connect the needs of now with the plans for the future, by harnessing expertise to accelerate sustainable change within the region. 

Inspiring change

The forum was designed to help business leaders gain valuable insights by hearing from renowned experts who shared their experiences and insights into successful ESG practices. Attendees were able to discover innovative approaches to sustainability, how they can positively impact their business and put new approaches into action.

Fostering collaboration

The Large Business Forum gave businesses the opportunity to connect with peers, industry leaders and experts in the field of ESG, as well as to engage in meaningful discussions, exchange ideas and explore potential collaborations that drive positive change within their organisation and the wider community.

Shaping the future

The event was designed to empower businesses to actively contribute to creating a more sustainable future for Bath and North East Somerset and across the South West. Every voice and action matters, and this event provided an opportunity to make a meaningful impact.

Next steps

We'll use the insights from the event to develop a series of outputs, including collaboratively funded and measured pilot projects which will connect our key stakeholders to deliver impacts that value all.

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Watch the videos below to learn more about the event, and hear from key players within some of the region's largest organisations...