Reduce your food waste | Help make Biogas and Fertiliser

Let's reduce food waste across the South West and save money in the process.

Did you know that the average Bristol family throws away a whopping £730 worth of food each year (according to Bristol Waste), and only 40% of the city's food waste is being recycled? Shocking isn't it.

Well, a simple way of reducing your carbon emissions, and helping the council to improve waste management is to recycle food waste, just put it in the food waste bin.  This is so it can be recycled and used to create fertilizer and biogas which heat 6,500 homes in Avonmouth.  Not only will this reduce methane gases and landfill waste, but will also save you and the council money. 

Another step we can take to reduce waste and save money on the food bill, is to be more conscious about the food we buy and how we use it. Planning out meals, so that everything you buy gets used, is one way to reduce food waste. But because this isn't always possible, here are some tips on minimising waste and saving money in the process:  

  • Get a food waste caddy, if you don't have one, you can get them from your local council 
  • Fridge tips - keep food fresher for longer and store effectively
  • Get creative with leftovers
  • Food planning apps - Change for Life, Pepperplate
  • Try composting in your garden, here's a great starters guide. 

Here are just a few companies that can help you on your journey to saving those £££'s and reduce food waste across the South West. 


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