Buy better for longer | Help stop microplastics pollute our food and water

The fast fashion movement now needs fast action.

Over the last decade, the fast fashion movement has grown at an alarming pace, and its impact on the environment is becoming more and more pronounced. From poor working conditions to microscopic plastics now present in the food chain, the throwaway clothes culture is threatening our oceans and wildlife.

The single largest source of microplastic comes from machine-washed synthetic textiles, and 35% of all primary microplastics in our oceans originate from them (as suggested by The International Union for Conservation of Nature, IUCN).

These tiny nano particle microplastics are too small to be filtered out of our water and sewage systems, which means they end up coming back into the food chain. Alarmingly 80% of all bottled water, and a third of all fish caught in the UK, have been found to contain microplastics! 

With only 2% of textile waste currently recycled in Bristol, and figures across the UK being equally low, it is no surprise that textile waste also makes up a large percentage of our landfill sites across the UK. 

On the flip side, we're seeing a renaissance in buying vintage and ‘pre-loved’ clothing. Charity shops, swap shops and specialist second-hand boutiques have all seen a resurgence which is helping us to get back to buying better for longer and putting a stop to a throw away culture. 

So, whether you're hiring a gown or investing in a lifetime coat from Patagonia, there's a host of ways to shop for quality clothing that promotes slow fashion and won't cost the earth. 

Here are a few apps that may help, as well as local companies below: 

  • Depop app 
  • Vinted UK 
  • Ebay 
  • Hardly ever wornit
  • Asos Marketplace 


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