How can we help minimise our impact?

An easy-sounding answer to this problem is to put all data centres in cooler countries so the outside air can be blown in. Lots are already based near the Arctic for this very reason.

Using the heat waste effectively is also being explored, with feeding it into buildings like swimming pools, laundries or greenhouses. There is already a swimming pool in Paris that is heated by the servers of the animation studio next door.

Some companies are looking into sourcing their own energy by using green electricity for their data centres, like wind and solar power.

What can we do to help?

  • Reduce the amount of emails you send. Emails produce a lot of CO2.
  • When sending internal emails, use tools like Slack, they use less energy.
  • Don’t copy in lots of people on emails if you don’t need to.
  • Avoid having to re-send emails, by checking it properly the first time.
  • Regularly empty your recycle bin and spam folder.
  • Unsubscribe from unwanted newsletters.
  • Don’t send large files on email, use WeTransfer, Google Drive or OneDrive instead.
  • Use eco-responsible search engines like Lilo or Ecosia.
  • Close any unused tabs.
  • When searching online, be precise. It saves energy.
  • Delete any YouTube videos and your old MySpace account.
  • Unplug your modem or router overnight.
  • Get rid of unused applications.
  • Use low resolution instead of HD (High Definition). It uses 4-10 times less energy.
  • Try to print in black and white, double-sided and two pages per sheet.
  • Lower your monitor brightness*
  • Don’t stream, download instead*

Digital pollution is an important issue and one that we all need to get involved in, both individually and on a corporate level.
